There are lots of things that need doing. The offering here is a selection of topics which are pressing and/or interesting. If you would like to contribute to any of these, or have another topic that you would like to put forward, please contact us.
Einbunpin Lagoon. Surely there is no sadder water body in the midst of a suburban shopping centre. Instead of a delight, our lagoon is a polluted eyesore. Issues that require addressing include the quality of the water, the deteriorating banks, the clump of Swamp Cypress which should never have been planted, the number of people still throwing bread into the lagoon and the fact that there are too many animals for such a small water body. It has been this way for a long time, of course, so this project is about trying to lever some action from our council.
Street Trees Research is indicating that urban spaces are becoming increasingly important for the survival of native fauna. We have large areas of green space in 4017 suburbs, but much of it is parkland and lacking in biodiversity. We would like to work to increase plantings of native shrubs and ground covers in these areas to provide more habitats for native fauna. Street trees and verge gardens provide corridors for fauna and insects to move along between habitats, and so KSBA would like to raise community awareness of the importance of urban plantings of native plants.